Pallas Athena speaks winged word to Diomedes (ILLIADV)
Digital painting. Jacquard woven piece(two-sided), wool.
Installation:Bungee cords.
Size: 105x110cm
Year of production: 2018
Exhibited as part of ‘Speaking Volumes’(KH7artspace, Aarhus Denmark)2018,’JCE Biennale 2019-21’(various locations) 2019-21

Phemius speaks winged word to Odysseus (ODYSSEY XXII)
Phemius speaks winged word to Odysseus (ODYSSEY XXII)
Digital painting. Jacquard woven piece(two-sided), wool.
Installation:Bungee cords
Size: 105x110cm
Year of production: 2018
Exhibited as part of ‘Speaking Volumes’(KH7artspace,Aarhus Denmark)2018